The Back Garden, The Racehorse, Northampton
Spen Reviews it up for from Scene Magazine
This gig represented the achievement of something of an ambition of the Unit – firstly, to play the Twinfest (second only to our lifelong dream of playing at the Balloon Festival) and secondly, to complete the Racehorse circuit. We have now appeared in the front room, the back room and the back garden. All we need to do now is play all three in the same week, and we could be the first band to do a tour of a pub.
Anyhoo – enter the Gumtree. This was Van Drumtree’s first gig with us, and boy, did he rock the house – or garden. Every beat totally on point with all the customary fury we’ve seen in rehearsals each week. Excellent drum faces as well.
We were fighting against the odds somewhat though. At one point, we were nearly rained off, and we actually didn’t get a sound check, which always makes things interesting. Highlights were too many to mention, but in no particular order :
1. Rockwell introducing us as “Pig Unit – all the musicians are competent”
2. Bustyaleep forgetting Boab’s intro in Unit’s In Da House and then Boab’s bass lead disconnecting so his solo completely disappeared.
3. The crowd’s cheers when the new “false” intro to Beaver’s segued into the intro proper
4. Tom Abdy rocking the mic in Northampton Rocks
5. Daniel the drunk hippy asking us if we were from Germany
6. Bustyaleep triggering the sample for Jaguar Wong, it not going off, and the gap at the end of the chorus being filled by him dejectedly sighing “aah, what the f… ??”
7. Richie the rapper’s drunken freestyle in Jaguar Wong
8. The rainbow appearing during Mongoose and Snake behind us – very Dio
1. Ape Shit
2. Northampton Rocks
3. Mongoose And Snake
4. Unit’s In Da House
5. Just A Unit Thang
6. Beaver’s Mountain
7. Jaguar Wong Is Afraid Of Nothing