Choose your words carefully
Northampton Rocks
It ain't Top of the Pops
Magic Monkey Juice
Vitriol on vivisection or massively stupid - you decide
A tribute to the love that dare not clean its teeth
Patrick Bateman meets Tetsuo - Iron Man
Shatner's Lounge
The legendary gland opens his fun palace
Bullshit Mr. Han Man
Telling it to the man, Jim Kelly-style
Suck Satan's Cock
Black worm jism for the masses
Fu Manchu
Fu man chat man fat man Tony
"Speak stick and carry a big softly." -
Gregor Batswad
Spider In The Bath
We've all been there..The horrifying truth in word format
Are You There Moriarty ?
Nemesis, naval game and mindless drunken violence
Warriors Of Metal
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes
My Brother Is A Monkey
The sitcom that never was, but would've shoulda been
Yogurts Of Truth
Homage to bio-active herbal remedies
The Eagle Has Landed
Waiting for the time to strike green o'clock
Jaguar Wong Is Afraid Of Nothing
The stylingest Ninja Terminator in Hong damn Kong
Unit's In Da House
( To Be ) Number One
One for the blasphemers
Beaver's Mountain
A hill, a tank, and a legend is born
This Unit's Too Big For My Brain
That tricky third album song